I suspect we all have a story about some crazy boss who we feared might destroy our lives. I recently shared such a story on Daniel David Shapiro's podcast, Two Truths and a Lie. There is so much unbelievable drama in real life, but also so much surprising truth in...
Women’s Empowerment
Old Mr. Ma – Cara at The Moth GrandSlam in L.A.
At The Moth GrandSlam on July 24 at L.A.’s historic Regent Theatre, I was honored to share the stage with some of the best storytellers around as we told stories on the night’s theme: Identity Crisis. Please check out this 6-minute video of me performing Old Mr. Ma,...
Just Me and My Cross – Cara Wins The Moth StorySlam in L.A.
? After more than a year striving to find my voice in the world of oral storytelling, I won The Moth StorySlam in L.A. on January 23, 2018. The night's topic was Achilles' Heel. It was humbling to win with a story about my weaknesses. I now qualify to compete in a...
My Killer Eggs – Live at The Moth StorySlam in L.A.
I told this true personal story at The Moth StorySlam in Los Angeles on June 6, 2017. The theme was "Mystery." I came in third place, for which I won: nothing...except pride in getting better at this art form every day. I love oral storytelling. What an exciting way...
The Kayak Affair – Cara Tells a Story, Live, at the Two Truths and a Lie Podcast
I'm having a blast in the world of oral storytelling, and you can hear me tell my latest story in the podcast Two Truths & a Lie. Or you can watch the video below. In this live storytelling show, three performers share personal stories. The catch? One of us is...
Taking Credit
As a writing instructor, I yearn to take credit for the ingenious, creative, perceptive stories my students create. They’re kids, mostly middle-schoolers, and I yearn to point at their work and say, “They know how to do that because I taught them how.” But I believe...
Girls Running With Bulls – Is Jeannie Mark Completely Nuts?
When I was 36, I spent a month in Spain, and I never regretted that I missed running with the bulls in Pamplona. But today I heard the below interview with travel blogger Jeannie Mark, known as the Nomadic Chick, and began to wonder if I've spent my life being too...
The Woman Bully Boss – by Guest Blogger Sandra Ford Walston
“Forty percent of bullies are women, and when women are bullies, they choose women as targets 71% of the time. Sadly, when the bully finds his or her target, the target pays with his or her job.” – Dr Gary Namie Dr. Gary Namie started The Workplace Bullying Institute...
Pole Burn
I took a pole dance class. Once. In 2007. Here's how that went: I know what rug burn is, but never until now concerned myself with pole burn. That’s what happens when, while pole dancing, you do a pole sit with your back pressed too tightly against the pole. My...
What Maude Taught Me
I happened to be listening to NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross today, when her guest, songwriter Mark Mulcahy, busted into a kick-ass version of the theme song for the 1970s sitcom Maude. As I listened, I realized what a cool feminist anthem it is: And then There’s...