I'm having a blast in the world of oral storytelling, and you can hear me tell my latest story in the podcast Two Truths & a Lie. Or you can watch the video below. In this live storytelling show, three performers share personal stories. The catch? One of us is...
Spirit of Adventure
StorySlam and Stage Fright
Today at The Blood-Red Pencil, I share my recent experience baring my soul before a Los Angeles audience without a book, notes, or any written material in hand. I thought author readings were nerve-wracking, but those are nothing compared to a StorySlam and Stage...
Tiny Destroyer of Worlds
Pangyrus, a Boston-based literary journal, has published my flash nonfiction piece Tiny Destroyer of Worlds. It's the story of a nine-year-old pyromaniac (that would be me) who discovers the thrilling power to destroy. I'm dedicating it posthumously to my friend and...
Literature in a Razor-Wired Country – Cara’s Guest Post at Words Beyond Bars
You don't have to travel far to discover other worlds within our world. I met former librarian Karen Levi-Lausa when she coordinated my book party at Denver's Bookbar, and we got to talking about her program that brings books to prisoners, Words Beyond Bars....
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 3
Welcome to Day 3 of my 2014 blog book tour! Please join me through October 15 as I celebrate Conundrum Press releasing the new edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today I visit The Paper Tiger, the blog of...
Taking Credit
As a writing instructor, I yearn to take credit for the ingenious, creative, perceptive stories my students create. They’re kids, mostly middle-schoolers, and I yearn to point at their work and say, “They know how to do that because I taught them how.” But I believe...
Sharing On the Road and At Home
The sharing economy is increasing opportunities for travelers who want to explore what the world has to offer, with less damage to their pocketbook and the environment. A woman who works for a new car-sharing program called RelayRides has asked me to share one of my...
Finding Beauty Close To Home: Sunset at Barr Lake
My twin passions for travel and stories are no longer about escape. Instead, they have taught me a lot about finding something to appreciate every day, wherever I am. Every place I travel is somebody else’s home, so it stands to reason that my home should have its own...
Dancing at a Khmer Wedding – by Guest Blogger Gillian Rhodes
I teach dance in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and one of my Khmer friends from work asked me to present a contemporary dance duet at her wedding. Leak was having two weddings: one for her family in Battambang and one in Phnom Penh. I asked one of my dance students, Dara, to...
Travellers Welcome – by Guest Blogger Cairn Rodrigues
To me, life is one (hopefully) long journey, full of dirt roads, blind alleys, and exhilarating straightaways. Some people pick a target and spend their days marching inexorably towards it, while others zig and zag, trying to see as much as possible. It’s doubtful...