If you’re a traveler, writer, or reader, here’s an epiphany I’d like to share with you: the elements of good storytelling and a sense of adventure go hand-in-hand. That’s the subject of my guest post today at the Goodreads blog of fellow-author Norma Huss. If you’d like to know how to be a more adventurous storyteller or traveler, please stop by and check it out. And don’t forget to say hi to Norma, “The Grandma Moses of Mystery,” who published her first book just before her 80th birthday. She’s now the author of three books: Death of a Hot Chick, Yesterday’s Body, and A Knucklehead in Alaska. Wow, I’d better get busy! Norma and I are also both contributing authors to the new e-book 25 Years in the Rearview Mirror, a collection of essays in which 52 authors look back at their embarrassing, hilarious, and moving pasts – and the pasts of some of their characters. Please check out our fun, insightful, inspiring anthology!