Spreading the word about a book is like having a second job. That's my excuse for being absent from my blog the past few weeks as I promote the new edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands. Today, I'm in the U.K., sort of. British author Bridget Whelan has...
Book Tours
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 6
Welcome to the finale of my 2014 blog book tour! This month I'm celebrating the new Conundrum Press edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today you can find me in two places: PubSlush, a crowd-funding platform...
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 4
Welcome to Day 4 of my 2014 blog book tour! Please join me through October 15 as I celebrate the new Conundrum Press edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today I visit The Blood-Red Pencil, a collaborative...
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 3
Welcome to Day 3 of my 2014 blog book tour! Please join me through October 15 as I celebrate Conundrum Press releasing the new edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today I visit The Paper Tiger, the blog of...
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 2
Welcome to Day 2 of my 2014 blog book tour! Please join me through October 15 as I celebrate Conundrum Press releasing the new edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today I visit two blogs: For travel lovers,...
Cara’s Blog Book Tour 2014 – Day 1
Welcome to my 2014 blog book tour! Please join me through October 15 as I celebrate this month's Conundrum Press release of the new edition of my memoir, They Only Eat Their Husbands: Love, Travel, and the Power of Running Away. Today, you can find a fun interview...
ENDINGS AREN’T EASY – The Southwest Chapter of My Book Tour
“Endings are hard.” That’s what my friend Eileen once told me. She writes sitcoms, but I find that her quote applies to just about anything. When I got around to writing about the final week of my book tour for They Only Eat Their Husbands, I was already home and...
NAVIGATING MICRO-CULTURES: The Most Challenging Road is the Road Home
I knew that, even traveling in my own country, I'd encounter people whose worldviews differed from mine. This is one reason I decided to stick to western states on my book tour. Still, venturing outside my comfort zone so close to home has revealed some of the most...
THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS… & FRIENDS: The Give & Take of Shoestring Travel
Last Tuesday in Anacortes, Washington I was loading laundry into a washer at the home of my friend Heather’s landlady, Robbie. Robbie would be throwing a party for my book reading that night. We’d never met before. “I’ve been moved on this trip by how many people have...
GETTING ON WITH IT – What a Traveler Picks Up and Lets Go
On every journey, I pick new things up and leave old things behind: belongings, attitudes, friendships. I love Alaska so much that it wasn’t until after my talk in Bellingham, Washington that I realized something had dislodged inside me on my last visit to the Last...