? Above is a video Daniel David Shapiro recently released of me telling a story at his live L.A. show and podcast, Two Truths and a Lie. Dan's show presents irresistible challenges for storytellers, as we all strive to keep the audience guessing: If Dan asks me to...
Danger Zones & Dark Sides
Who Was the Liar?
If you've checked my blog since the New Year, then you'll recall I recently posted my latest performance on the L.A. storytelling show and podcast, Two Truths and a Lie. If so, you might still be wondering who the liar was. Let me end the suspense by directing you...
Baby Thumbelina – Storytelling at Two Truths and a Lie (Podcast)
I always get a kick out of Daniel David Shapiro's live show and podcast, Two Truths and a Lie, and I was thrilled when he invited me to tell a tale of Innocence for his most recent episode. My story, Baby Thumbelina, is also a tale of childhood bullies and revenge,...
Just Me and My Cross – Cara Wins The Moth StorySlam in L.A.
? After more than a year striving to find my voice in the world of oral storytelling, I won The Moth StorySlam in L.A. on January 23, 2018. The night's topic was Achilles' Heel. It was humbling to win with a story about my weaknesses. I now qualify to compete in a...
Who was the Liar?
Remember how, to kick off the New Year, I posted my latest performance on the Los Angeles storytelling show and podcast, Two Truths and a Lie? Then you'll recall I was one of three people who shared personal stories about Survival, and host Dan Shapiro asked the...
Grampa Vs. The Thomas Fire – Storytelling at Two Truths and a Lie (Podcast)
Looking for a little New Year excitement? Please check out my latest oral story in the Two Truths & a Lie podcast. For this episode, the topic is: Survival. This time I perform a story about fleeing the largest wildfire in California history. The Thomas Wildfire...
On A Limb
I’ve just completed a final revision of my novel—though let’s face it, it ain’t over till the fat publishing contract sings. The twinned elation and depression of completion puts me in the mood to share something. If you read the novel, you'll find this out sooner or...
The Kayak Affair – Cara Tells a Story, Live, at the Two Truths and a Lie Podcast
I'm having a blast in the world of oral storytelling, and you can hear me tell my latest story in the podcast Two Truths & a Lie. Or you can watch the video below. In this live storytelling show, three performers share personal stories. The catch? One of us is...
What Are You?
By Cara Lopez Lee The stares always come first. First the stares and then the question, which goes something like this: “What are you?” I’ve memorized the short answer: “Mexican-Chinese-Irish-English-Swiss-French-and-Cherokee.” “I knew it,” one woman said, “Mixed-race...
First-World Problems and Refugees
By Cara Lopez Lee This entire week, my husband and I have been awaiting word on our mortgage loan documents, hoping our lender draws them up soon so we can close on a new house. On Monday, nobody was answering our calls and we grew anxious. For the past three days...