In the middle of the night the Guatemalan sky unzips its pockets to spill a marimba of water on the tin roof of our wooden room. By morning, the downpour persists, offering both disappointment and relief: both “I forbid you to explore paradise,” and “I grant you...
Girls Trek Too
Waking the Beasts & Men of Tikal: Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 7)
October 27, 2012 Dale and I wake to the deep-chested roars of howler monkeys, males marking their territory in the darkest hour of the morning. It's 3:00 a.m. By 4:30, our headlamps bob through blackness, as we follow our happy-go-lucky, sexagenarian guide, Antonio,...
Beauty and Pain in Vienna and Prague: A Jewish Traveler Haunts the Holocaust – by Guest Trekker Jakki Savan
I thought deciding to travel alone to two major cities in Eastern Europe was an act of bravery. I quelled mixed feelings about visiting Vienna (Wien). The city of Mozart appealed to me as an opera buff and amateur flutist, even though Austrians speak the language of...
A Long Time Ago in Tikal – Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 6)
Oct 26, 2012 As Dale and I stand amid the ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal, I see why George Lucas chose it for a rebel base in the original Star Wars. This lost city strangled by rainforest bears no resemblance to other cities I’ve seen, living or dead. It’s as if the...
Giant Kites for the End of Time – Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 5)
October 24, 2012 We walk past Sumpango’s tree-packed central park into the two-story concrete marketplace - our driver César, my husband Dale, and I. Market women wave desultory hands or fans made of sticks and plastic bags over displays of raw meat, homemade soup,...
The Mannequin Saint and the Flower Assault – Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 4)
Oct 24, 2012 When we arrive at the Chapel of San Simón in the town of San Andrés Itzapa, it’s as if we’ve arrived at Guatemala’s own Graceland. The difference is that few tourists come here, only believers. Our guide, César, doesn’t speak English, so I have to...
Where Coffee Comes From – Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 3)
October 23, 2012 A converted flatbed takes us on a 15-minute drive outside of Antigua to the oldest coffee plantation in Guatemala. Finca Filadelfia (Philadelphia Plantation) is a pretty, well-ordered farm and resort, where sun-warmed green trees and saffron ranch...
What Am I Afraid Of? – Guatemala at the End of Mayan Days (Part 2)
October 22, 2012 Right before I wake, I dream that I walk out of our hotel and see an armored truck full of armed men driving down the street. One of the men jumps out and executes a woman, point blank. The shots blow her head back, spraying blood onto the wall of one...
It’s Not Mexico – Guatemala at The End of Mayan Days (Part 1)
October 21, 2012 Dale and I are not trying to mark the end of an age. When I planned this trip to Guatemala, the Mayan calendar's expiration date of December 21, 2012 wasn’t on my mind. I just hoped for a safer alternative to our favorite budget destination, Mexico,...
Getting Kicked by Route 66: Part 11 – Conquering the Gateway Arch Alone
Thursday, May 8, 2008 I’m alone again, as I often end up when I travel – which might bear closer examination. Am I bad at selecting travel partners? Are they wrong to select me? Or is it just that, at one time or another, we must all face the world alone and the road...