Why is it that the humblest gifts always conjure the most priceless magic? My 20-something stepsister teaches at an inner-city school in L.A., so since I was limited on funds this Christmas, instead of sending her a personal gift, I sent a few basic school supplies. I...
Spirit of Adventure
Pole Burn
I took a pole dance class. Once. In 2007. Here's how that went: I know what rug burn is, but never until now concerned myself with pole burn. That’s what happens when, while pole dancing, you do a pole sit with your back pressed too tightly against the pole. My...
What Maude Taught Me
I happened to be listening to NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross today, when her guest, songwriter Mark Mulcahy, busted into a kick-ass version of the theme song for the 1970s sitcom Maude. As I listened, I realized what a cool feminist anthem it is: And then There’s...
Dancing to Viola’s Blues
I love old-fashioned social dancing to swing and blues music, but sometimes the music we move to with passion and joy has its roots in true tales of tragedy and sacrifice. What do you expect from the blues? On Tuesday night I was hanging at Denver's Mercury Cafe when...
Alice in Lighthouse-land – How I Learned Creative Writing from Third Graders
I recently told my dad about a mistake I sometimes make while writing my novel: sometimes when I move a character into position for an important moment, I create a connecting scene in which I forget to include a conflict. How could I forget such an elemental...
Empowering Ourselves as Women: Three Lessons from Anna – by Guest Trekker Kristen Wolf
We are all connected to the natural world. All of us made from it. Whatever your beliefs, one must acknowledge that our bones and blood and skin are made of the same stuff as rocks and trees and rain. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” sums it up best. The Way is a novel...
12 Things to Love About Courage: More Tips from The Courage Expert – by Guest Trekker Sandra Ford Walston
You may recall this week's return guest as a living example of the Girls Trek Too mission: "to inspire women to live life as an adventure." Sandra Ford Walston does that every day as America's Courage Expert, and I'm grateful she has returned to share more of her tips...
Courage in the Midst of Fear: Tips from The Courage Expert – by Guest Trekker Sandra Ford Walston
Since the Girls Trek Too mission is to inspire women to live life as an adventure, I was excited when America's Courage Expert agreed to share her wisdom with us. Please welcome Sandra Ford Walston, author of the bestselling book Courage: The Heart and Spirit of Every...
Which Way to the Cambodian Break Dancers? The White Girl is Lost Again – by Guest Trekker Gillian Rhodes
Gillian Rhodes is currently living in Cambodia, working as a choreographer, teaching workshops and dancing, and immersing herself in the rich arts scene of Phnom Penh. As part of her work, she has been meeting all sorts of organizations, in all sorts of crazy places....
Climbing Mount Pisgah and Creating Suspense: An Author’s Adventure – by Guest Trekker Karen McCullough
Please welcome my guest today, Karen McCullough, an author of mystery, romantic suspense, and fantasy novels who will share how a personal adventure played a part in one of her books. Karen is one of my fellow authors from the new e-book 25 Years in the Rearview...